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Releases: EmicoEcommerce/Magento2Tweakwise


12 Apr 13:58
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6.0.0 (2024-04-12)


Performance Improvements

  • Applied phpcs and phpmd rules (9a499fd)


  • fix filterurl without ajax #169


  • Code is refactored based on phpcs and phpmd rules.


09 Apr 07:24
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v6.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release

6.0.0-beta.2 (2024-04-09)



29 Mar 11:42
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v6.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release

6.0.0-beta.1 (2024-03-29)

Performance Improvements

  • Applied phpcs and phpmd rules (9a499fd)


  • Code is refactored based on phpcs and phpmd rules.


12 Mar 09:21
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What's Changed

  • Implemented prevention of duplicate attribute slug values. Previously, attribute values with variations in their representations, such as Black and Black", resulted in duplicate entries in the tweakwise_attribute_slug table. This duplication could disrupt filter functionality if the incorrect value was retrieved. This pull request addresses the issue by appending a unique identifier ("-") followed by a number to each slug, ensuring their uniqueness. Note that attributes with previously duplicated slug values will require re-saving to activate this fix. by @ah-net in #159

  • Resolved a notice issue pertaining to missing variables when the shopping cart is empty. Previously, certain sections of the application would trigger notices due to uninitialized variables when the cart was empty. by @ah-net in #157

Full Changelog: v5.8.2...v5.8.3


21 Feb 15:42
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What's Changed

  • Resolved an issue where the incorrect parent category was utilised while navigating a category tree that is three levels deep by @ah-net in #145
  • Resolved an issue where the filter parameter remained in the URL after deactivating the filter by @ah-net in #153
  • Resolved an issue where, with the URL pathslug strategy enabled, selecting a filter on a category page would lead to an incorrect URL upon refreshing the page and selecting another filter. by @ah-net in #144
  • Bugfix implemented to address the duplication of category names in the default Magento renderer by @ah-net in #146
  • Implemented query length limitation for search to prevent a 500 error by @ah-net in #147
  • Implemented a preventive measure to avoid errors when no attribute values are present for ALP facet requests by @ah-net in #152
  • Resolved the issue with personal merchandising and pagination not functioning correctly when utilising the filter form by @ah-net in #155
  • Implemented measures to prevent a 500 error in the search when Tweakwise is inaccessible or down by @ah-net in #154

Full Changelog: v5.8.1...v5.8.2


23 Jan 09:45
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What's Changed

  • Resolved an issue where the category filter was not considering the current applied filter, specifically when the query parameter strategy was enabled by @ah-net in #143
  • Fixed a bug where sending the root category in Tweakwise requests resulted in 500 errors by @ah-net in #142
  • Implemented a check to verify if an item is a Tweakwise filter, preventing 500 errors when the Tweakwise API doesn't respond.r by @ah-net in #139
  • Addressed an issue where a page reload caused the URL to be incorrect, preventing filters from deactivating. 2321eaf

Full Changelog: v5.8.0...v5.8.1


16 Jan 15:31
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What's Changed

The category view in Magento differs from the way it is presented in Tweakwise Demoshop, which we considered to be the desired behavior. The difference is related to the way how (sub)category levels are shown.

We've added a setting in which you can define whether to use the old/existing way of presenting, or whether you want to use the desired way of presenting. The setting 'category view' which you can find under "Stores->Catalog->Tweakwise->Layered Navigation->Category View" is set default to 'simple'. This represents the old way of presenting and nothing will change if you do not touch this setting. If the setting is changed to 'extended', the category view is changed to the same view as the Tweakwise demoshop

Full Changelog: v5.7.5...v5.8.0


11 Jan 13:34
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What's Changed

  • Resolved an XSS security vulnerability linked to product sorting by @ah-net in #127
  • Fixed an issue causing JavaScript errors with the hyva theme and ajax navigation by @ah-net in #131
  • Enhanced SEO by removing 'p1' from URLs; this issue specifically affected the query parameter strategy for URLs by @ah-net in #132
  • Rectified a bug causing an undefined index in active filters while using the ALP module by @ah-net in #133
  • Addressed a problem where 404 errors were logged in Magento when a product, no longer available in Tweakwise (e.g., out of stock), still had recommendations called. This change prevents such 404 errors from being logged by @ah-net in #128 and 138
  • Fixed an issue causing double filter values in URLs. This occurred when activating a filter while personal merchandising was active, resulting in incorrect filter URLs with doubled values by @ah-net in #130
  • Improved handling of double values in URL filters. Now, only consecutive double values, such as '/category/category, are removed. This also removes unwanted double slashes in the url. by @ah-net in #136
  • Cleaned up unused imports by @Swahjak in #135
  • Prevented category ID from being added to the URL during certain category searches, ensuring URL consistency by @ah-net in #137

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v5.7.4...v5.7.5


12 Dec 11:22
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What's Changed

  • Fix bug resulting in active filters not being shown by @ah-net in #112
  • Added ci pipeline to run unit tests by @ah-net in #124
  • Added support for multiple stores for ALP facets requests by @ah-net in #116
  • Rename personal merchandising by @ah-net in #114
  • Fix bug when searchbanners response is empty by @ah-net in #113
  • Fix bug in last item added to shoppingcart, should be removed after reading by @kaplansin in #108
  • Disable searchbanners when search is disabled by @ah-net in #104
  • Items misspelled causing a lookup to Tweakwise not to be used to Tweakwise not be used. by @igorwulff in #125
  • Bump version nr by @ah-net in #129

Full Changelog: v5.7.3...v5.7.4


12 Oct 12:04
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What's Changed

  • Remove category filter for facets requests by @ah-net in #111
  • Bugfix tncid recommendations by @ah-net in #109

Full Changelog: v5.7.2...v5.7.3