What is Moss Carbon Credit (MCO2)?

Discover the key facts about Moss Carbon Credit (MCO2).

About Moss Carbon Credit (MCO2)

MCO2 is a carbon credit token that enables users to help combat climate change. MCO2 was created by the Moss.Earth team in response to the mass destruction of forests and the resulting increase of carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere. MCO2 holders have helped send $10 million to Amazon forest conservation projects, helping to preserve roughly 1mm hectares of land. One MCO2 token represents one carbon credit from a VCS certified environmental project.

Note: The Giving Block does not currently support MCO2 donations. See all cryptocurrencies supported by The Giving Block.

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Thousands of charitable organizations use The Giving Block to accept donations of the cryptocurrencies, from BTC, ETH and USDC to APE, DOGE and SHIB. 

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