Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block

What is Smooth Love Potion (SLP)?

Discover the key facts about Smooth Love Potion (SLP).

What is Smooth Love Potion (SLP)?

Smooth Love Potion (SLP) is an ERC-20 token used in the Axie Infinity gaming universe to breed fictional, token-based creatures known as Axies. Axies are bred at an initial cost of 100 SLP, and can be bred several times at increasing price points. Users can earn SLP by completing in-game certain adventures and winning battles. Unlike AXS, the other Axie Infinity token, SLP is not used as a governance token.

Note: The Giving Block does not currently support SLP donations. See all cryptocurrencies supported by The Giving Block.

Use your crypto for good

Support your favorite cause with a tax-friendly crypto donation. 

If you’ve given cash to charity, you’ll love giving crypto. It’s not only more tax-efficient, it spreads crypto adoption and helps better the world. 

Thousands of charitable organizations use The Giving Block to accept donations of the cryptocurrencies, from BTC, ETH and USDC to APE, DOGE and SHIB. 

Discover the benefits of donating cryptocurrency.

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