Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block

What is Injective (INJ)?

Discover the key facts about Injective (INJ).

About Injective Protocol

Injective is a specialized interoperable Layer-1 protocol for building exchange, DeFi, derivatives & Web3 applications. Injective was created using the Cosmos SDK and is able to achieve instant transaction finality while sustaining lightning fast speeds. INJ is the native deflationary scarce asset that powers the Injective Protocol and its ecosystem. Injective is incubated by Binance and is backed by prominent investors such as Jump Crypto, Pantera and Mark Cuban.

What is Cryptocurrency? A cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that uses cryptography and blockchain to encrypt, secure, and verify transactions and proof of ownership. Read more
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block Donate Other Cryptos We are able to process some donations of cryptocurrencies that aren't listed in The Giving Block's Donation Form. Please read this information and/or contact us to verify. Read more
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block Why should nonprofits accept cryptocurrency donations? Less than 1% of nonprofits accept cryptocurrency donations. Fifteen years ago nonprofits were skeptical about credit card donations. Read more